Sunday, July 8, 2012

Struggle For Life - Lecture Series

The Struggle For Life - Volume One   I want to follow Father Thomas Hopko's advice and "listen to the science." At the same time I will listen and comment "as a skeptic knowing that pure science, that is observation and hypothesis, quickly becomes scientism which is a religion that creates a culture of death."  So along the way I will be pointing out where science pretends to the status of the "metaphysical" and becomes "scientism." I will also point out errors and propaganda.  We will use the lectures of Robert J. Wyman, Professor of Biology, Yale University. Wyman is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Program Director at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Science Education Program. He teaches Yale’s only course on population issues: Global Problems of Population Growth. People come from all around the world to hear his lectures and he is one of the foremost "experts" on the subject. His primary discipline is "bio-neurology" but 40 years ago became interested in bio-demographics, the evolution of populations and culture's effect upon population growth. He is a member of the Leadership Council, Planned Parenthood of Connecticut (PPC) as well as a former board member: PPC, Connecticut NARAL, Urban League of New Haven, Center for Children’s Environmental Literature, and Horizon Communications. Wyman received an AB from Harvard College and an MS and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley."

Dr Wyman's area of expertise is the sexual/economic/cultural means of the survival of the various species, and the implications of that upon human population.  In his presentations, he details the monumental struggle species endure just to survive as species.  Of course, as is all Natural Science, his perspective is from an "Evolutionary Perspective". Yet, many things he says in the series refute Darwin and the "Survival of The Fittest" etc.  I hate the word 'fascinating' because of its etymology, meaning "hypnosis."  However, in the modern jargon, meaning very interesting, what he exposes about the herculean struggle for mere survival of species is indeed "fascinating." 

The Struggle For Life - Volume TwoThis hour is interesting about the social and sexual behavior of higher primates. I have to note that he mentions that Jane Goodall's first book, touting the peaceful society of the Chimpanzee was totally wrong on that point. She was caught up in an age when anthropology had gone completely off the rails and produced a body of work for more than a decade that in truth was based upon the anti-vietnam war, peace movement's pacifist sentimentality. I have a collection of the insane articles publish in reputable scientific periodicals. The psychological establishment latched onto the mythology of the anthropologist and soiled themselves almost as badly. Suddenly the Buddhist leaders like the Dali Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh the Vietnamese Buddhist leader became celebrities in the west. Yoga and transcendental meditation became the rage. It was a decade of constant comedy. 

Jane, of course, discovered on her on and to her deep grief that her utopian ideal was just wrong, that chimpanzees live in colonies where any imbalance of power between adjacent colonies of chimpanzees was answer with steady aggression until all the males of the weaker colony are killed, the young left to starve, some female taken, some rejected and left to their own fate. She and others also record the fact that outside the colony the chimps simply wither and die prematurely. Rather than a peaceful utopia, it is a struggle for survival, a balance of power in peace, and then war when that balance is interrupted. 

The Struggle For Life - Volume Three  Now the lectures turn to effects of biology on sociology, religion, and demographics. Demographics and thus social-Darwinism has been tied to Darwinism from the very beginning.

The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus  Fellow of the Royal Science Academy (13 or 14 February 1766 – 23 or 29 December 1834 was an English scholar, influential in political economy and demography. Malthus popularized the economic theory of rent.

Malthus has become widely known for his theories about population and its increase or decrease in response to various factors. The six editions of his An Essay on the Principle of Population, published from 1798 to 1826, observed that sooner or later population gets checked by famine and disease. He wrote in opposition to the popular view in 18th-century Europe that saw society as improving and in principle as perfectible. William Godwin and the Marquis de Condorcet, for example, believed in the possibility of almost limitless improvement of society. In a more complex way, so did Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose notions centered on the goodness of man and the liberty of citizens bound only by the social contract—a form of popular sovereignty.

The Struggle For Life - Volume Four  I couldn't help but notice this biological/demographer's bow to the Church (without admitting it). He acknowledges that in the pre-modern period that "we have pretty good data from Europe, unlike the rest of the world."  How could that be?  Since THE CHURCH dominated Europe? Oops, of course that is right. The data he is referencing, better than anywhere else on earth, is FROM the Church records. Birth, Marriage and Death records were recorded in the Cathedral Church records. The Cathedral Church is where the Bishop kept his "office."  When we use the word "Cathedral" instead of church building or merely church, it means the "seat of the Bishop's Authority."  In theory and in fact, the Bishop's "Cathedral" could be a lowly setting and not a monument of grand architecture at all. My Bishop's "Cathedral" is a humble church in a poor neighborhood of Detroit. In the south a humble small "Church of God" would be as impressive.  

The Struggle For Life - Volume Five.  I have to respect this lecture where the decline of the birth rates in Industrialized countries is treated statistically and not politically. The political implications would seem obvious to me absent the displacement and destructive power possible via technology. I have to agree with the lecturer's logic when he state again and again, we don't know what is going to happen vis a vis population trends and the future.

The Struggle For Life - Volume Six  Dr Wyman reacts to the word "designed." 
"When you say designed do you mean designed consciously?" Without allowing the student to respond he responds for him saying, "No, that I think the people had no idea. People obey various cultural rules, cultural rules happen randomly. You can watch - - anthropologist watch cultures and culture is a very flexible thing and it changes fairly frequently.  If that change works people retain it and the whole culture works. If that culture doesn't work, either people change it again or the culture disappears. Most cultures over time have disappeared. Cultural evolution seems to follow pretty much the same rules as biological evolution. Almost random change - - in biology you have random changes in the genome, the cosmic ray hits you or you smoke a cigarette, or something like that, and base pair changes or a piece of chromosome jumps out and goes back in, inserts itself, a lot of different things. These are mostly bad changes but very rarely there's a good change.  If it's a good change presumably that individual will have more children and so there's more copies of that genome in the next generation and so on.  You know the basic story of evolution. Cultural evolution can be  the same people change culture on the basis of fads and who knows what.  We've had a lot of evidence that even the great reduction in fertility that we've seen all over the world, has a lot of aspects of a fad. That once a small group adopts it everybody looks around and likes the idea and fertility drops like a stone, way before and rather independently of economic changes and educational changes, and urbanization changes and a lot of the lectures have shown that.  That something is adopted, for maybe unclear reasons, by a small group, people like it, it's like the kind of clothes that you wear or something,there's no rationality to it, but if it works it gets  embedded in the culture. So, no, I don't think there's any evidence that any of these practices were put into place for the purpose that we now impute to them, but they're practices that worked for that culture within the rest of their ecological and cultural context, and so it persisted."

The Struggle For Life - Volume Seven  In this Lecture Dr Wyman further soft-soaps Chinese birth policy.  In all fairness to him, China is just a statistical sub-set, and he is not viewing any of this from a "humanitarian" perspective, but from a "post-human" perspective. The anti-human bias and reality of the post-human is obvious and is plastered over most of the work of Yale's present day "natural sciences." 

Dr Wyman shares the story of HIV/AIDS and other diseases being spread in China via blood donation, which included the strange detail that after particular components of the blood are harvested that the blood is "pooled" literally mixed together, taken back to the villages and towns where it was donated (purchased) and given by needle, back to the people who donated so that they will be able to donate more blood quicker. Wyman states that this disease spreading enterprise is accomplished by "corrupt officials" without the slightest suspicion that it might be a policy of repression of certain districts and populations by China's government, a quiet genocide.  I love the naivete these "skeptical scientists" who suspend skepticism only where a leftist or communist government is concerned.  Remember his paranoia concerning Republicans and the Census, yet, a massive policy of blood transmission sure to spread deadly disease conducted by government entities in a communist country raises no suspicion whatsoever. "Just ignorance, these people have no idea of sterilization."  Amazing, but rather I suspect convenient naivete. 

Darwinists are nothing if not consistently inconsistent.  Minute 8:50 forward Dr Wyman argues against himself. As he makes his point that "rich people have fewer children" he tells the story of a Professor from Kenya:
One year I taught this course, and there was a guy in it, a somewhat older guy who was actually already a professor in Kenya, he had come to Yale for more education and he took this course. After the course he told me that he was just blown away, that he had never realized, coming from Kenya, that poor people had more children than rich people.  Actually he put it the other way, he had no idea that one of the aspects of being rich was that you have fewer children, and he was a college professor, or a university professor in Kenya.

Now if you are bored enough to have actually read and listened to this material you know that Dr Wyman made a big argument and claimed all kinds of sociological data that some "cultures" were having less children because of the influence of Western media. He pictured every shanty shack with satellite dishes and everyone watching the modern western family "with two children" and wanting then "two children."  That was part of the content of his little speech about the "evolution" of culture predicated upon "fad."  Apparently the upper class in Kenya didn't get the memo. 

I would have to see the studies that confirm that none of the abstinence programs have had any effect on teenage pregnancy. I'm certain this is not the case. The sociologists said that Ronald Reagan's "Just Say No" drug policy campaign was ineffective but as it turned out it was quite effective and they were wrong.  What I find amazing about this presentation is this: Dr Wyman will argue that changes in culture can have a huge effect upon the birthrate. Here he argues that there are no changes in the culture vis a vis teenage pregnancy in the U.S. and the drop in teen pregnancy of 1 percent per year since birth control was legalized is solely the result of birth control and abortion. I was suspicious of the chart and the idea. Then I noticed that he was using data from 1994, to make his point. He is lecturing in 2009. Why the 15 year old data?   Here is why. 

And notice how matter-of-fact and unemotionally Dr Wyman states these staggering figures. And he questions? "Has anyone changed their minds about abortion?"  As you know if you have watched the lectures, there was nothing in the content of the lecture that would challenge a pro-lifer to become pro-abortion, or a pro-abortionist to gain greater appreciation for life. So again we have to assume that the edited content contained such material. He also made mention in one lecture of a second guest lecturer or a lecture by a graduate student, he didn't define it, just said in "x" person's presentation (I don't recall the name").  Now if you doubt that even a boring lecture on demographics in the Darwinian/Evolutionist post-human world has become an "evangelical event" for the new religion of Scientism, let us set this dry, unemotional presentation of 40 to 50 million abortions a year, against Dr Wyman's first hour where he is beating the drum of abuse of women, and sucking-in like a talented con man the female students, and especially those who are feminist, and in "women's studies."  Deftly, he is also disarming those who hold pro-life views making them think he is sympathetic to their view.  Also remember what I've say consistently about the priests of Scientism, "if nothing else, they are consistently inconsistent."

The Reverend William Ryerson is Dr Wyman's guest speaker for this hour. But before we go to the propaganda methods of Ryerson, I want you to see a parallel paganism the "Evolutionary Transition" mythology has fostered. The fellow in the video below is Michael Brownlee. He is not a clergyman in any "formal" religion, rather he is an evangelist/propagandist for one of the "denominations" of the new Religion of Scientism, which we have been exposing in these lectures. These evangelist are promoting what they are calling "deep transition."  There is nothing new about it. It is the perennial ancient gnostic paganism newly packaged in the language of "science." Sadly many Christians do not truly grasp the reality and fullness of Christianity, and the amazing ontology Christian teaching (Tradition) and sacred scripture contain, so that in their broken theology they are prey for the likes of Michael Brownlee,  William Ryerson, Dr. Wyman and other.

Remember Michael Brownlee's rant, saying: Surely each one of us in this room has been implicated and is culpable in our shared crisis. 
The "shared crisis" was stated in a list of "peck" capacities and over population causing "shortages." 
This mythology of "shortages" is a tool of the post-humanists also. Remember Brownlee mentioned a list of "peak" things, "peak oil production" "peak food production" "peak carbon emissions" all pointing to "peak population" etc. Ryerson and Wyman have also referenced "peak commodity" scenarios.  
Here is famed actor Richard Attenborough narrating a horror scenario of peck population shortages and how man is such a horrible burden upon the earth.
Watch this if you are interested, but understand that most of what it says is false.

I have to say that this is about the strangest lecture I have every witnessed. When Wyman lectured on Abortion two lectures ago, that was sickening the way 800 million abortions in 20 years was touted as a good thing, "merely a backup for birth control." 
In this lecture Dr Wyman dismisses "human personhood" as a non-event and further tries to make that assumption "rational, scientific and religiously reasonable."  Dr Wyman begins the lecture by setting up an easy straw man, using a quote from, columnist George Will, "It is a biological fact not a theological postulate, that such life is a continuum from conception to death." Then he quotes a pro-life letter to the editor of the New York Times, "It is a scientific fact, as any basic biology text will confirm that life does begin at conception. The fetus is a live human being, distinct from, while dependent upon its mother. it deserves the full protection of its rights."

I said in the middle of Volume Thirteen:

"Let us not pretend what we are dealing with here. We are dealing with nothing short of the Doctor Josef Mengele-Joseph Goebbels-like planners and practitioners of mass death. Where the NAZIS managed a few million, Planned Parenthood, the IMF, the World Bank, the U.S. Government and other national governments cooperating with the U.N. have managed what has to be by this year 2012, ONE AND A HALF BILLION abortions since 1982!" 

And no telling the number of deaths by other means. People keep looking for the "great culling" of humanity and it is already underway. Courses like Dr Wyman's and the work of thousands of other academics and planners, bogus reports by official "scientistic bodies" are all for the "legal scientistic cover" for the Eugenic campaign that is currently underway, worldwide.  The hellish, anti-life, culture of death, post-human dimensions of this boggles the mind. Truthfully we cannot comprehend it.  These people are truly post-human, have themselves become beasts and instead of murder by brutal fang and massive bloodshed, murder by disease, starvation, privation, and abortion, wearing the white lab coats while causing the diseases, and wearing the casual clothes of the professors, the Priests of Scientism, to give the "doctors" cover.

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