Includes many reference sources. This is not a "religious site." It IS a site dedicated to discovering TRUTH in all matters, religious, political, philosophical, cultural etc.
America's Orthodox Christian Chaplain
America's Orthodox Christian Chaplain - Icon of the Christian Church - Ecumenical Heresy
Recovering Our Christian Heritage
Things As They Are
Dark Clouds and Glory
Haunting Soulful Sounds
Bond Robin is Piano Butch
Piano Butch's Favorite Devil's Music
Viva Christo Rey Orthodox Catholic
Compendium of Articles and Educational Pages.
Posers Teaching Pantheism As Modern Enlightenment
Edgar Allan Poe and Natural Law
Natural Law Requires and Natural Law Giver.
True Freedom: Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Freedom
By Cardinal Timothy M Dolan
Anger, Grief and Outrage - Eugenics - Genocide - Sex
The Sad Case of Orthodox Christian Dhimmi
The Foundation of Happiness
This Ain't Your Daddy's Skies - What are they dumping on us and why?
Our FAKE Crises - The experience of hell, when paradise was the option.
Light, TRUE LIGHT or Luna's Insanity
What Can 20 BILLION DOLLARS Purchase? A comparison between the cost of Hurricane Sandy and the money blown on Iraq, Bush Bailout, Obama Stimulus, Q.E.1, 2, and 3, (14.7 Trillion Dollars, { $14,700,000,000,000.00 } or in billions of dollars, 14,700 Billion or in millions of dollars, 14,700,000 million dollars.
Special Prayers Those Challenged by the Storm - What Are They Dumping on us - What roll does the government have in "climate change?"
The Marxist/Muslim Axis - Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
What Is Religious Unitarianism? The Death of God.
Prediction Time - Winds of LIBERTY are stirring.
Are Mormons and Muslims that Different?
A Message To My Christian Friends - Vote TRUTH 2012
NDAA According to Ray McGovern - Former CIA Analyst
Mother Maria Skobtsova. Mother Maria - a saint of our day.
The Seduction of Christian America
Know You Enemy's Methods - Religious Outrage a Means of Cultural Conquest
All Calls to Limit American Free Speech Must Be Answered With Ten Thousand Statements of TRUTH.
2000th Soldier Death in Afghanistan Goes Un-Reported
The Left, Bought by Islamists and not the Right, Too?
The Muslim Brotherhood Has Lost Control of the Narrative
Decorating the Out House With Glorious Islamic Symbols
Little Satan, Big Satan and the Libertarian Movement
Is Truth Capable of Breaking the Collective Hypnotic State?...
Core Truths - Volume One
Core Truths - Volume Two - Economic Terrorism
Core Truths-Volume Three - The Complete Moral Degeneracy of the SDE...
The Insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorshiop Elite's Culture...
The Official Christian Persecution Has Begun
The Sharia Compliant NeoCon/Marxist/Muslim Axis is the present form of the silent war upon Christianity and Judaism in America, by the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's (SDE) "New World Order." (NWO)
New Atlantis and Luciferianism
The Motive, The Blueprint, The Icons of The New World Order
Pussy Riot - By Ambrose Stapleton
TRUTH MATTERS - A Breath of Fresh Air
What About That Rapture Thing?
A Lesson In Provocateurs - Alex Jones and Company...
ALEX JONES and Other Lying Provocateurs
Dumb America On Parade
If You Have Any Doubt That These Are Apocalyptic Times
Nothing About the Modern World and The Common Mythology is TRUE - MUST READ if you intend to survive the anti-christ.
Where Are We? How Can We Know It?
The Conquering Of American Self-Government by the New World Order.
Truth Has No Agenda: Or Does It? - Global Warming Mythology
Call Me Cynical - Well Maybe Not
I Am Old and Out Of Touch - Fodder for the Furnace...
Is Romney or Obama The Answer That Will Restore Our Liberty?
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Get Off My @ss - by Justin Roessler.
Whatsoever Things Are Beautiful - Volume One
Genocide by Scarcity - Peak Oil Mythology
Marked As Beast or Marked OF Beast - Is there really any difference.
I am proud to be one of those clergy who signed the Manhattan Declaration - with Metropolitan Jonah
The Abuse of Metropolitan Jonah of the OCA
Metropolitan Jonah persecuted for his public stance for Traditional Christian Moral Values.
Please read and sign the Declaration
In Support of Metropolitan Jonah
Stimulus v Stunted - Roosevelt v Obama
We cannot remain disarmed before the Luciferians
Saint Symeon The New Theologian
The Ecumenical Councils - Lecture Series
While there are those who assail Dr Gingrich a...
In The Lamp Light In The Garden
As an Orthodox Christian and being politically conscious, I was aware of the constant run of muslim attacks on the Christians of Kosovo, rapes of nuns, assassinations of priests, etc, which began shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Christians of Kosovo were in shock. They were saying of their Muslim neighbors, "Here are these people we have known for decades, who's children went to school with our children. We have been peaceful neighbors for ever and it is as if they have gone mad."
The Human Spirit vs The State
There is a lesson for this day July 4th 2012 to be learned from the heart of a man in the slavery of the Communists in 1981. Czech pianist Ivan Moravec was also head of the Conservatory in Prague, Czechoslovakia. We became friends and it was an unlikely friendship - a young man from Grant Park and the head of the Prague Conservatory. He loved to play a piano I owned, a 9'6" Knabe Grand - one of the first three concert grand pianos built in the U.S. It was manufactured in 1877 (wow that is one hundred and thirty five years ago!!! AND It still plays beautifully!)
Mitt Romney - The First Post-American Candidate
John Kennedy said, "The world is engaged in the most difficult and trying struggle in its long history. All of the great epics which have torn the world for the last 2,000 years pale in comparison to the great ideological gulf which separates us from those who oppose us. It is our responsibility not merely to denounce our enemies and those who make themselves our enemies but to make this system work, to demonstrate what freedom can do, what those who are committed to freedom and the future can do."
John Kennedy's wise words about the forces that have taken our Republic down - - -LINK
Even though the circumstances have drastically changed, the challenge is still the same except much more difficult because our government has totally failed us. I simply cannot continue a dialectic that pretends the Republic still stands.
Young People - Do You Recognize These Words?
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
I Am No Longer Crazy
At the fall of communism I rightly predicted the outcome - that since we were already marching inexorably into slavery as the elite gathered power, and the government increasingly failed to recognize the people's will and the people's God Given Rights, that the goals of the New World Order were going to require massive bloodshed on our soil, serious and terrible violent acts, acts for which the government would be guilty by sins of omission or commission, that the politically correct movement would criminalize truthful speech, that the propaganda campaign that had already begun in earnest in the media, that is, the constant picturing of everything and everyone who held Traditional Values - Devoutly Religions, Patriotic and Conservative as criminal, crazy, radical, hate-filled, racist, and/or perverted, had only one place to go, that this attack would be to create a massive and false-Christian Church, acceptable to the Social Darwinists devoid of Christ, and the oppression of the true church, etc.
This Muslim Woman Is Part Of The Stealth Jihad
Terrorist? NO - Stealth Jihadist - ABSOLUTELY! C.A.I.R. a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood issued orders to all loyal Muslims in 2004 telling them to infiltrate every conservative cause. This daughter of an Afghan War Lord is a faithful Islamic soldier. There is NOTHING racist about it. She is a liar and a fraud and I've kept the record of her lies. This fall she claimed to be "Christian" but could not name the minster who baptized her. When I asked her very basic questions concerning the Christian faith that most seven-year-old christians would know - she was clueless. The Propaganda Is A Many Decades Long Campaign.
Simply stated, the trees are Obama Care. The Forest is the most dictatorial supreme court PRECEDENT possible, which effectively destroyed the last restraints on Federal Power.
Obama's Eugenics Death List
Make no mistake - Let us not even pretend to pretend what we are dealing with here. We are dealing with nothing short of the Doctor Josef Mengele-Joseph Goebbels-like planners and practitioners of mass death. Where the NAZIS managed a few million, Planned Parenthood, the IMF, the World Bank, the U.S. Government and other national governments cooperating with the U.N. have managed what has to be by this year 2012, ONE AND A HALF BILLION abortions since 1982!"
Today I Am Post-Human: Or So They Say
Well on the morning of June 29th 2012 I awaken to discover that my Government recognizes me as a post-human beast only, whose body and physical health is at the mercy of the State, the keepers of all human "livestock" Obama's Medical Czars. I'm post human because these people do not recognize my humanity, cannot recognize any higher aspect of me than the fact - according to their religion of Scientism - that I am one of the higher primates, a member of the Great Ape family of the "species" called homo-sapien:
The Fall of the Republic of the United States of A...
This video is two and a half hours of truth that will make you weep, IF you have a clue about the constitution and what the United States of America is supposed to be. The game is over. Our politics is a sham. All that is left is resistance by whatever means necessary.
Does Truth Matter? - Could Judge Roberts Actually ...
Every day almost, some Republican and/or conservative independent friend will tell me that I MUST support Mitt Romney, that they really did not want him as the candidate, but that since his machine destroyed all the other candidates that the handwriting is on the wall, and we all have to get in line and accept the lesser of two evils.
Dr. Alan Keyes said in a speech in Missouri a month ago, that we have arrived where we are, having already lost our real liberties because we were convinced time and time again to accept the lesser of two evils. He said, "It is simply a point in fact, that when you keep choosing the lesser of two evils you are still accenting to evil, and the evil becomes progressively more evil, until there is nothing but lies, deceit, corruption, illusion and delusion. That's where we are."
The supreme court decision to be announced today has a greater historical implication than the presidential election, by one hundred fold. Elections are always promises made and promises broken with few exceptions. But today is one of those bright lines where we will see if there will be any freedom in this new Scientistic Dictatorship.
People have focused on the "individual mandate" as if it is the only objectionable part of Obama Care. Few have grasped the hellish reality of health decisions being (1) mandated (2) regulated and (3) rationed by a Scientistic Dictatorship, over which we have NO control.
The Muslim Mafia - The Most Documented Book, Expos...
Muslim Brotherhood IN America - Let us stop being ...
Muslim Brotherhood IN America - well worth the time to understand where we are and ONE of the many problems our society faces. This is a ten hour course by the Center for Security directed by Frank Gaffney. If you want to save our country you have to be informed. The Muslim Brotherhood has not only the Obama Administration in their pocket, they had the Bush Administration and the Clinton Administration before that. Now they have infiltrated such groups as The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) and Americans For Tax Reform and the Republican Party. YOU need to know this and be wise. Those who dare state the truth of it are attacked and labeled "islamophobic" - Islamophobia - is hate speech used to describe anyone who see and tells the truth about what this course teaches.
"If you want my views on Islam, it's quite straightforward. Islam is one of the world's great religions and the great majority of people in Islam want peace for themselves and peace with their maker. They want to raise families and have a bright future. There is, however, a movement in the world known as jihadism. They call themselves jihadists and I use the same term. And this jihadist movement is intent on causing the collapse of moderate Muslim states and the assassination of moderate Muslim leaders. It is also intent on causing collapse of other nations in the world. It's by no means a branch of Islam. It is instead an entirely different entity. In no way do I suggest it is a part of Islam." -MITT ROMNEY (2009)
Is Our Nation Suffering The Judgement Of God? An analysis of God's judgement - how it works. The lamestream media, secular humanists and liberal Christians scream when some Fundamentalist Christian talks about our nation suffering judgement at the hands of an angry God. But ARE we suffering judgement? Is God Angry?
I'm a coward. For most of my life miracles have accompanied my prayers and for all my life, except for a few close confidants, and an occasional person trusted for the purpose of witness of Jesus Christ's actual presence with us, for the purpose of "SOZO" moments, healing/saving moments, I haven't "testified" to miracles. So some friends, some family, some friends I have lead to the Lord, or counseled may know this story, but most of my friends, most of my family and most of those I lead to the Lord, or counseled do not know this story.
The Grief I Carry - In the 1990s one day Vladka (father) turned to me and said, “ Father Symeon, why is it that these news people seem to want to destroy everything that is good about America, while they glorify everything that is evil. They attack everything and every person that deserves praise and glorify every evil. I have written many letters to the news media and they answer politely but nothing changes. I even arranged a conference with Governor Engler and he assured me that he would confront the situation. Yet, nothing has changes. (Vladka and Governor Engler were friends of sorts. Engler had used Archbishop ALEXANDER for his political advantage, securing the Ukrainian vote, which was/is sizable in and around Detroit.) I had known for some time how he had been used politically. But I remained silent. Why? I was a mere prison chaplain in Georgia and Vladka was the friend of the Governor of the Great State of Michigan. I knew he was being used but from my "place" there was nothing to say.
Miracles, Signs, Wonders!- Mat 7:15 – 23: "But beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grape clusters from thorns, or figs from thistles? Thus every good tree produces good fruit, but a rotten tree produces evil fruit. A good tree cannot produce evil fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce good fruit. Every tree not producing good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire. Consequently, by their fruits you shall know them. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name we cast out demons, and in Your name we did many mighty works?' "And then I will confess to them, 'I never knew you! Depart from Me, you who work iniquity!'
I would like to say before I begin that Father Thomas Hopko has forgotten more Orthodox Sacred Theology, Church History and Patristics than I will ever know. But, I was intrigued by the fact that in retirement, the Dean Emeritus of Saint Vladimirs Orthodox Seminary would be interested in studying the natural sciences and taking a new look at Darwinism and Science as to how it relates to Christianity. I thought that rather than just listen to the lectures that I would write companion observations, since this area has been an interest of mine for many decades.
Without the guidance of what the Ancient Church clearly taught and continues to teach, one is left trying to base one's faith solely upon self-devised interpretations of the Bible or upon the teaching of one or another particular modern teacher. This has created 32,000 "denominations" in the world that may be divided into several "families of error" each holding a foundational belief in opposition to others making them unique. Collectively the "families of error" who the Ancient Church of the Apostles, calls,heterodox - meaning "other than Orthodox" hold teachings contrary to the teachings and practices of the Apostles themselves. Inside each of these "denominations" is built up late "traditions" a new list of trusted teachers instead of the Great and Historic Lights and Theologians of the Church. Most of these teachers teach some things that conform to the ancient Christian Faith and some things which differ from the Apostolic Tradition.
To show just how corrupt the Christian establishment has become, it takes a Jihadist propagandist to tell the truth of Darwinism, and Charles Darwin's apostasy to paganism. Please watch and I will caution you when the Muslim propagandist is practicing his craft.
Video Series
Darwin's Difficulties - The Total Hoax
Carlos, this may not help, but stay with me for a moment so we can be on the same page. Honest to God Brother, I read of your situation and wept. I've been in an odd situation lately, shedding more tears in my old years than any time in my life. I wept hearing your struggles yet I realized how truly they are not unique. Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill and you've taken a double whammy. BUT have you taken a harder hit than millions of others? Bubba, we had to shut down our Restaurant/Bakery in Hartwell, Georgia and we were the 16th restaurant closing in that little tourist town. The place was sort of my dream. My wife and sisters love baking and it was a neat little place where I got to play the piano every Friday and Saturday evening. Gone . . . Gone!
I was in the land acquisition business for developers for a few years before the crash. Some of those guys knew I was a man of faith. So, after the crash of 2008 you can't imagine how many millionaires I spent time with on the phone, or in person, praying with them to keep them from suicide. Carlos I've heard so many tragic stories, that if pure GRIEF made money I'd be a gazillionaire.
But here is the reality - IT IS A WAR. Do you think that the attack of the Obama administration on the Car Dealerships wasn't an act of war?
Do you think that the attack on the Developers and Builders wasn't an act of war?
In the 1980s when Cold War tensions were very high and people feared nuclear conflagration, the New Agers among us coined the phrase, "Visualize Peace." It was painted as graffiti, on bumper stickers and billboards, plastered on utilities polls and even greeting cards. Of course as everyone was "visualizing" millions also were constantly praying for our country, for our leaders, both in Russia and the U.S. "For this church, for this city and all who live here, for our country and all who serve in its government, especially the servants of God, for our President, and for our Governor, that God may grant them wisdom so that we may live in peace and tranquillity, let us pray to the Lord. +++ Lord Have Mercy."
Gay Marriage In The U.S.A.
All foreign nationals please note that I am speaking to American Law and a situation that is unique in the world to the U.S. I am addressing American citizens, though all are welcome to read. To understand why and how this is unique to us as American Citizens you must read my article “The Dual Responsibility of American Citizenship and Church Membership.”
Many religious people who view the prospect of Gay marriage to be harmless to Sacramental Marriage and harmless to religious marriage in general make a simplistic and false assumption. The assumption is that these two things in the United States are separate. Certainly the Orthodox Christian knows that the added Sacramental Celebration of Marriage has much meaning and is in the Orthodox Church as in the Roman Catholic Church a Sacrament of the Church. However, in the United States Sacramental Marriage is only different in the eyes of the religious and religious institutions; it is not recognized as different or special in the eyes of the law.
This Ain't Your Daddy's Skies - What are they dumping on us and why?
Our FAKE Crises - The experience of hell, when paradise was the option.
Light, TRUE LIGHT or Luna's Insanity
- Never Enter A Battle Disarmed! - The Sad Case of Eric Bell
- The Prosperity Gospel Heresy - Aquinas' Refutation of The Prosperity Gospel Heresy
- Ancient Palestine - an Invented Place.
- "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"
- Moral Law Is Relative - Say the Left and the Libertarians...
- ISRAEL The Evil Aggressor
- Obama The Bloody - it is all on HIS head.
- The Devil's DELUSION - ATHEISM and Its Scientific Pretensions ...
- Sucking Silence - 30 seconds in a vacuum.
- Our Devolving Language - a means of manipulation.
- Calling All, All Wise Islamic Scholars - PLEASE EN..
- .
- Blaze Documentary Film - "The Project"
- The Real Axis of Evil - The NeoCon/Marxist/Muslim ...
- Some Think This Was A Fake Election
- Being "Silly Doves" The Prophet Hosea Had It Right...
- Against the Winds of Defeatism - LIBERTY
- Election Fraud - The Greater Meaning.
- Chris Christie Kafir (Dhimmi) Governor of New Jers...
What Can 20 BILLION DOLLARS Purchase? A comparison between the cost of Hurricane Sandy and the money blown on Iraq, Bush Bailout, Obama Stimulus, Q.E.1, 2, and 3, (14.7 Trillion Dollars, { $14,700,000,000,000.00 } or in billions of dollars, 14,700 Billion or in millions of dollars, 14,700,000 million dollars.
Special Prayers Those Challenged by the Storm - What Are They Dumping on us - What roll does the government have in "climate change?"
The Marxist/Muslim Axis - Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood
Catholics Do Not Want You To Know The Word Of God
How Protestants Kill God - This title is not a joke.
Habeas Corpus - our lost right.
Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged? Graham and Ronmey
The Death of God - Have Morals, Truth and Civility Fared Better?
What Is Religious Unitarianism? The Death of God.
The REAL Power of the People - Altering and Abolishing
When is choosing LIFE wrong?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened"
Prediction Time - Winds of LIBERTY are stirring.
- Radical Dedication to Truth - No Easy Way Out
- Voting With Faith, Outside the Fog of Fear
- Degrading The Dignity of the American Presidency
Are Mormons and Muslims that Different?
A Message To My Christian Friends - Vote TRUTH 2012
NDAA According to Ray McGovern - Former CIA Analyst
Mother Maria Skobtsova. Mother Maria - a saint of our day.
Free Enterprise Vs Capitalism - There is a difference.
The Seduction of Christian America
Know You Enemy's Methods - Religious Outrage a Means of Cultural Conquest
All Calls to Limit American Free Speech Must Be Answered With Ten Thousand Statements of TRUTH.
2000th Soldier Death in Afghanistan Goes Un-Reported
The Dummy Candidate - Why Romney?
Congratulations Roman Catholic Bishops!
The Left, Bought by Islamists and not the Right, Too?
The Muslim Brotherhood Has Lost Control of the Narrative
Decorating the Out House With Glorious Islamic Symbols
Little Satan, Big Satan and the Libertarian Movement
Survival Information: Volume One, The Threat of Islam
Licence v Liberty - Intelligent Pragmatism v Foolish Truth
Gay Marriage Compromise - Hoefling v ObamaRomneyJohnson
GOP vs DEM Platforms - rhetoric v record.
Two Missions - The Same Goal The Republican Party and The Democrat Party, Two Missions The Same Goal
Romney and Obama ARE Twins When I say that Obama and Romney are twins - what does that mean?
The "Conditioners" - Caution Behaviorists At Work
The Circumstances of Obama's Birth, Election and Rule:
To Unite Behind A Lie Is Powerless
Tyranny in America - For Dummies:
Voting In A Dictatorship
Republican v Democrat Conventions 2012
Libertarian Constitutional Ignorance
Biblical Submission To Authority - What is the real story?
A Message To A Special Catechumen.
To Understand Republican Corruption and the Mitt Romney Mafia
Is Truth Capable of Breaking the Collective Hypnotic State?...
Core Truths - Volume One
Core Truths - Volume Two - Economic Terrorism
Core Truths-Volume Three - The Complete Moral Degeneracy of the SDE...
The Insanity of the Scientistic Dictatorshiop Elite's Culture...
The Official Christian Persecution Has Begun
The Sharia Compliant NeoCon/Marxist/Muslim Axis is the present form of the silent war upon Christianity and Judaism in America, by the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's (SDE) "New World Order." (NWO)
New Atlantis and Luciferianism
The Motive, The Blueprint, The Icons of The New World Order
The United West Seminar July 2012 Savannah Ga.
Orwellian Talk Speak and the Mitt Romney Campaign
The Hail Mary Pass - The Come Back Ticket
The Normalcy Bias - By Erik Garces - Spring 2012
The Normalcy Bias - It is Post America and No One Can See It.The Normalcy Bias - It is Post America and No One Can See It.
Pussy Riot - By Ambrose Stapleton
Awakening In The Gulag - Unbowed - Determine!
TRUTH MATTERS - A Breath of Fresh Air
Stephen Hawkin's New Book - The Grand Design
Political Lesson Time - Viewing The Real EnemyCollectivism vs Individualism
Baptist Sex Scandal - Under-age Girl(s)
Ravi Zacharias - The Best The Evangelicals Have to Offer
What About That Rapture Thing?
A Lesson In Provocateurs - Alex Jones and Company...
ALEX JONES and Other Lying Provocateurs
Dumb America On Parade
If You Have Any Doubt That These Are Apocalyptic Times
Nothing About the Modern World and The Common Mythology is TRUE - MUST READ if you intend to survive the anti-christ.
Where Are We? How Can We Know It?
The Conquering Of American Self-Government by the New World Order.
Truth Has No Agenda: Or Does It? - Global Warming Mythology
Call Me Cynical - Well Maybe Not
I Am Old and Out Of Touch - Fodder for the Furnace...
Is Romney or Obama The Answer That Will Restore Our Liberty?
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Get Off My @ss - by Justin Roessler.
Whatsoever Things Are Beautiful - Volume One
Genocide by Scarcity - Peak Oil Mythology
Marked As Beast or Marked OF Beast - Is there really any difference.
I am proud to be one of those clergy who signed the Manhattan Declaration - with Metropolitan Jonah
The Abuse of Metropolitan Jonah of the OCA
Metropolitan Jonah persecuted for his public stance for Traditional Christian Moral Values.
Please read and sign the Declaration
In Support of Metropolitan Jonah
Stimulus v Stunted - Roosevelt v Obama
We cannot remain disarmed before the Luciferians
Saint Symeon The New Theologian
The Ecumenical Councils - Lecture Series
While there are those who assail Dr Gingrich a...
In The Lamp Light In The Garden
- Whatsoever Things Are Beautiful
- Prayer For The Victims of The Holodomor
- Prayer Concerning The Three Paths of Theology/Spir...
- End Time Hysteria and Tormenting Fear
- Saint Patrick's Morning Prayer
- The Roots Of Our Pagan Culture
- Traditions Of Men vs. The Apostolic Tradition
- A Prayer For Our Nation.
- The Perfectly Natural Man
- Catholic Institutions Under Attack By The Sharia C...
- What God Do We Serve?
- O Lord, How Lovely It Is To Be Thy Guest.
- Glory To Thee For Calling Me Into Being
- I Was Born A Weak, Defenseless Child
- Everlasting King, Thy Will For Our Salvation Is Fu...
- A Prayer For Dr. Gingrich
- Ritual or NO Ritual
As an Orthodox Christian and being politically conscious, I was aware of the constant run of muslim attacks on the Christians of Kosovo, rapes of nuns, assassinations of priests, etc, which began shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Christians of Kosovo were in shock. They were saying of their Muslim neighbors, "Here are these people we have known for decades, who's children went to school with our children. We have been peaceful neighbors for ever and it is as if they have gone mad."
The Human Spirit vs The State
There is a lesson for this day July 4th 2012 to be learned from the heart of a man in the slavery of the Communists in 1981. Czech pianist Ivan Moravec was also head of the Conservatory in Prague, Czechoslovakia. We became friends and it was an unlikely friendship - a young man from Grant Park and the head of the Prague Conservatory. He loved to play a piano I owned, a 9'6" Knabe Grand - one of the first three concert grand pianos built in the U.S. It was manufactured in 1877 (wow that is one hundred and thirty five years ago!!! AND It still plays beautifully!)
Mitt Romney - The First Post-American Candidate
John Kennedy said, "The world is engaged in the most difficult and trying struggle in its long history. All of the great epics which have torn the world for the last 2,000 years pale in comparison to the great ideological gulf which separates us from those who oppose us. It is our responsibility not merely to denounce our enemies and those who make themselves our enemies but to make this system work, to demonstrate what freedom can do, what those who are committed to freedom and the future can do."
John Kennedy's wise words about the forces that have taken our Republic down - - -LINK
Even though the circumstances have drastically changed, the challenge is still the same except much more difficult because our government has totally failed us. I simply cannot continue a dialectic that pretends the Republic still stands.
Young People - Do You Recognize These Words?
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
I Am No Longer Crazy
At the fall of communism I rightly predicted the outcome - that since we were already marching inexorably into slavery as the elite gathered power, and the government increasingly failed to recognize the people's will and the people's God Given Rights, that the goals of the New World Order were going to require massive bloodshed on our soil, serious and terrible violent acts, acts for which the government would be guilty by sins of omission or commission, that the politically correct movement would criminalize truthful speech, that the propaganda campaign that had already begun in earnest in the media, that is, the constant picturing of everything and everyone who held Traditional Values - Devoutly Religions, Patriotic and Conservative as criminal, crazy, radical, hate-filled, racist, and/or perverted, had only one place to go, that this attack would be to create a massive and false-Christian Church, acceptable to the Social Darwinists devoid of Christ, and the oppression of the true church, etc.
This Muslim Woman Is Part Of The Stealth Jihad
Terrorist? NO - Stealth Jihadist - ABSOLUTELY! C.A.I.R. a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood issued orders to all loyal Muslims in 2004 telling them to infiltrate every conservative cause. This daughter of an Afghan War Lord is a faithful Islamic soldier. There is NOTHING racist about it. She is a liar and a fraud and I've kept the record of her lies. This fall she claimed to be "Christian" but could not name the minster who baptized her. When I asked her very basic questions concerning the Christian faith that most seven-year-old christians would know - she was clueless. The Propaganda Is A Many Decades Long Campaign.
The natural human eversion to sodomy, the clear cut visceral reaction to buggery had to be overcome to usher in the New World Order complete with buggery claiming the status of sacrament i.e. "marriage." When I saw the establishment push this song in 1974, I knew where we were headed. So here is the humor - but first it was a shock. Today's young people (2012) brainwashed and conditioned by Public School sexual indoctrination cannot grasp the sinful shame that is "Gay Marriage." I doubt that people under 40 will truly grasp the shocking humor this hit songs was.
I really don't think that all the so-called Conservative voices spinning Justice Roberts as a genius and touting the end of Obama Care as the ultimate result of his actions are actually as ignorant as they appear. What they are saying is contextually true vis a vis the trees. But the Neo-Cons are as dangerous as the Left, and they know the power that has just been handed to the Federal Government and they are SILENT about it.
Obama's Eugenics Death List
Make no mistake - Let us not even pretend to pretend what we are dealing with here. We are dealing with nothing short of the Doctor Josef Mengele-Joseph Goebbels-like planners and practitioners of mass death. Where the NAZIS managed a few million, Planned Parenthood, the IMF, the World Bank, the U.S. Government and other national governments cooperating with the U.N. have managed what has to be by this year 2012, ONE AND A HALF BILLION abortions since 1982!"
Today I Am Post-Human: Or So They Say
Well on the morning of June 29th 2012 I awaken to discover that my Government recognizes me as a post-human beast only, whose body and physical health is at the mercy of the State, the keepers of all human "livestock" Obama's Medical Czars. I'm post human because these people do not recognize my humanity, cannot recognize any higher aspect of me than the fact - according to their religion of Scientism - that I am one of the higher primates, a member of the Great Ape family of the "species" called homo-sapien:
The Fall of the Republic of the United States of A...
This video is two and a half hours of truth that will make you weep, IF you have a clue about the constitution and what the United States of America is supposed to be. The game is over. Our politics is a sham. All that is left is resistance by whatever means necessary.
Jerry Ross - a Romney Zombie and a LIAR.
Does Truth Matter? - Could Judge Roberts Actually ...
Every day almost, some Republican and/or conservative independent friend will tell me that I MUST support Mitt Romney, that they really did not want him as the candidate, but that since his machine destroyed all the other candidates that the handwriting is on the wall, and we all have to get in line and accept the lesser of two evils.
Dr. Alan Keyes said in a speech in Missouri a month ago, that we have arrived where we are, having already lost our real liberties because we were convinced time and time again to accept the lesser of two evils. He said, "It is simply a point in fact, that when you keep choosing the lesser of two evils you are still accenting to evil, and the evil becomes progressively more evil, until there is nothing but lies, deceit, corruption, illusion and delusion. That's where we are."
The supreme court decision to be announced today has a greater historical implication than the presidential election, by one hundred fold. Elections are always promises made and promises broken with few exceptions. But today is one of those bright lines where we will see if there will be any freedom in this new Scientistic Dictatorship.
People have focused on the "individual mandate" as if it is the only objectionable part of Obama Care. Few have grasped the hellish reality of health decisions being (1) mandated (2) regulated and (3) rationed by a Scientistic Dictatorship, over which we have NO control.
The Muslim Mafia - The Most Documented Book, Expos...
The Muslim Mafia - The Most Documented Book, Exposing Muslim Motives in the U.S.A.
Muslim Brotherhood IN America - Let us stop being ...
Muslim Brotherhood IN America - well worth the time to understand where we are and ONE of the many problems our society faces. This is a ten hour course by the Center for Security directed by Frank Gaffney. If you want to save our country you have to be informed. The Muslim Brotherhood has not only the Obama Administration in their pocket, they had the Bush Administration and the Clinton Administration before that. Now they have infiltrated such groups as The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) and Americans For Tax Reform and the Republican Party. YOU need to know this and be wise. Those who dare state the truth of it are attacked and labeled "islamophobic" - Islamophobia - is hate speech used to describe anyone who see and tells the truth about what this course teaches.
Together with Romney's money The Muslim Brotherhood and their "front groups" "friends" and "agents" controlled the GOP nomination process this cycle, by systematically taking out anyone who da
JFK was killed for this and in particular executive order 11110
"And, JFK’s "United States notes" backed by silver, which were withdrawn the day he was shot, would have put the Federal Reserve out of business and returned to the Treasury Department the Constitutional power to create and issue a debt-free currency."
Full Speech that got JFK murdered;
"And, JFK’s "United States notes" backed by silver, which were withdrawn the day he was shot, would have put the Federal Reserve out of business and returned to the Treasury Department the Constitutional power to create and issue a debt-free currency."
Full Speech that got JFK murdered;
I could not help laughing at the juxtaposition of the Gore interview with the reality of the real world. Al Gore the great Global Warming Whore - if you don't watch until the last few seconds you won't get it.
The Progressivist are ensconced in every institution of government - they are coming for us folks - this isn't fantasy. A friend recently reminded me of the "normalcy bias" . The normalcy bias is easily explained with the following story: In 1970, I was looking for tomato sauce on the shelf of a convenience store. A black man walked into the store carrying a sawed-off shotgun. I saw him walk into the door and immediately thought, "I wonder who he's trying to sell that gun to?" Honest that was my first thought, grammatical error and all. I walked to the next isle still looking for tomato sauce, as I did I had a second thought. "That gun looked too short. I hope whomever buys it measures that barrel." All of the sudden the store was very quite, I heard some loud talking but didn't get what they said, I asked myself, "Is someone angry?" It didn't really sound angry, just forceful. I found my item, walked to the counter to pay and the cashier was white as a ghost. I asked her, "Hun, are you okay." She pointed with her eyes and said, "We are being robbed." I thought but didn't say, "Robbed, really, so where is the robber?" About that time the fellow behind the shelving said to me, "M>F> - don't do anything stupid. I'd love the excuse to cripple your stupid white a$, and laugh at you in the wheelchair." I thought, "Man, this really is a robbery." True story. I was gifted with the task of carrying the cash from the register to the robber.
There is essentially no difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Both men are socialist. Both men betray their oath to our Constitution.
- Both men are questionable as to their status as natural born citizens required to serve as President of the United States. The issue with Barack has been publicized ad nauseum. But Mitt has a problem too. His grandfather renounced his citizenship and became a Mexican citizen because of his Mormon beliefs and his practice of polygamy. To date, there has been no record proving that Mitt's father was a naturalized citizen or a repatriated citizen at the time of Mitt's birth. Unless such records are produced, this makes Mitt just as ineligible to serve as Obama.
- Mitt Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts is probably one of the most liberal of any gove
Romney's Baggage
Come folks, let's be realistic. The Dems elected Obama by totally wiping out his past, and still to this day totally ignoring it. But they won't be so kind to Romney. They've already started laughing at Romney and rightfully so, because every criticism he has of Obama is like a freak'n boomerang, he can't utter the words without total hypocrisy (and they have the tapes.) Plus they have already started going after him for his cult religion. And that's the way it will be if he is the nominee. Every lie and fraud that is Mormonism, every false historic claim, every blood oath, every person murdered because of blood oaths and all the rest is going to be front and center. Do you honestly think a man with THIS baggage stands a chance?
Perspective - March 25th, 2012.
No picture better describes the position of the Religious Constitutional Conservative in this nation and in this election cycle than a young David against a mammoth Goliath. In fact what we who cherish the Faith and the Intent of Our Founding Fathers face is a pack of Goliaths. It is only by God's Mercy-filled Miracle that our chance at turning the direction of this country away from its present course of Sharia Compliant Marxist Socialism (Statism) and back toward our founding principles has not been totally crushed.
No picture better describes the position of the Religious Constitutional Conservative in this nation and in this election cycle than a young David against a mammoth Goliath. In fact what we who cherish the Faith and the Intent of Our Founding Fathers face is a pack of Goliaths. It is only by God's Mercy-filled Miracle that our chance at turning the direction of this country away from its present course of Sharia Compliant Marxist Socialism (Statism) and back toward our founding principles has not been totally crushed.
How many times in the last year have you heard Glen Beck utter these words, even mocking the idea that working for a "political end" "for a particular candidate" is somehow beneath the dignity of those who are "truly hoping to save our nation." Don't buy the LIE.
Dear Glen Beck,
Taking your position, just for argument's sake, one has then to look to the closest thing to the Ideal Man, you would demands were he living and drawing breath. Here is the fact, Newt Gingrich is the ONLY ca
Dear Glen Beck,
Taking your position, just for argument's sake, one has then to look to the closest thing to the Ideal Man, you would demands were he living and drawing breath. Here is the fact, Newt Gingrich is the ONLY ca
Look at the different treatment given a social snub given George W. Bush and a social snub given Barrack Obama. It won't take two minutes and these pictures are worth a million words. They need to become a permanent memory in the minds of every American Citizen.
Laughing Muslim Brotherhood mob, supported by President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton desecrate dozens of Commonwealth War Graves in a Libyan cemetery. Headstones commemorating British and Allied servicemen, killed during World War II campaigns in the Western Desert between 1942 to 1943, lay smashed and strewn across Benghazi Military Cemetery and the Cross is also desecrated.
From WWII till today they've been leading us down the Garden Path, to what?
2+2=4 = The Slaughterhouse.
Doing whatever it takes to make the sovereign American Citizenry, mere subjects (Like almost every other person in almost every other country on earth is a mere subject, with rights capriciously granted and rescinded by the king, the dictator, or the government). Too many lazy and stupid people are perfectly willing to listen the propagandists like Glen Beck and Tom Hanks, who on the face of it you would think were very different, yet are leading you to the same fate; leading you to seek and accept Progressivist gods to serve, like Clinton, like Bush, like Obama, now like Romney, gods to whom you will be willing to surrender your sovereignty in exchange for a few more steps down the Garden Path - Not me. Not Now! Not Ever! Folks, we are very close to the end of the path.
2+2=4 = The Slaughterhouse.
Doing whatever it takes to make the sovereign American Citizenry, mere subjects (Like almost every other person in almost every other country on earth is a mere subject, with rights capriciously granted and rescinded by the king, the dictator, or the government). Too many lazy and stupid people are perfectly willing to listen the propagandists like Glen Beck and Tom Hanks, who on the face of it you would think were very different, yet are leading you to the same fate; leading you to seek and accept Progressivist gods to serve, like Clinton, like Bush, like Obama, now like Romney, gods to whom you will be willing to surrender your sovereignty in exchange for a few more steps down the Garden Path - Not me. Not Now! Not Ever! Folks, we are very close to the end of the path.
The longer I live, the more I realize that the so-called "sciences" of psychiatry and psychology are demonic at their core.
(1) A friend of mine is an expert on the abuses of the Foster Care system, which is a constant stream of hellish stories, from which we all turn our heads and choose to believe without evidence that Foster Care is a lesser evil.
(2) I've observed the methodology (read mythologies) of the ever malleable psychological sciences. Wha
I want to share this exchange because it is enlightening and exposes a mindset grappling with American Liberty.
My friend is a deeply dedicated Christian, a convert from Islam - and these LESSON TIME entries have been inspired by our exchanges. He is trying to deal with the Eastern Orthodox teachings on submission to authority, a subject of interest to Christians in the U.S. and a great source of confusion to many Orthodox teachers and Orthodox Christians in America and around the world.
My friend is a deeply dedicated Christian, a convert from Islam - and these LESSON TIME entries have been inspired by our exchanges. He is trying to deal with the Eastern Orthodox teachings on submission to authority, a subject of interest to Christians in the U.S. and a great source of confusion to many Orthodox teachers and Orthodox Christians in America and around the world.
My friend who sparked these thoughts about our duties as an American Citizen vs the Church's teaching of humility before God and worldly authority, wrote:
"Humble unto God always! I cannot see any way "around" this, for God exalts the humble and gives Grace to the humble, but he rejects the proud. Humble YES, Passive NO! Humble YES, subjugated without resistance NO!"
In this statement I think without realizing it he sum
"Humble unto God always! I cannot see any way "around" this, for God exalts the humble and gives Grace to the humble, but he rejects the proud. Humble YES, Passive NO! Humble YES, subjugated without resistance NO!"
In this statement I think without realizing it he sum
Since in America the people are the "sovereigns" "ordained by God with inalienable rights" who institute power in the ruling authorities, who "govern" the ruling authorities by oversight, repeal, and expulsion from office, they the people themselves are as noble as any king when defending the "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" of the realm. This defense requires activity in the public square and STANDING for the good. To accept this IS responding in humility to the gift God has given us. I for one would be much happier retired to a quiet life of prayer than engaged in the public debate, BUT in obedience I accept the vocation of what seems a most worldly thing, and in humility act upon the special gift granted me by God as an American citizen and engage.
A friend questions why "humility" in Phillipians Chapter Two - for him mea
A friend questions why "humility" in Phillipians Chapter Two - for him mea
My opinion of Newt Gingrich:
One of the Greek philosophers basically repeated Solomon saying, “The learning of many things does not teach understanding” - (Heraclitus) I think there was a time that Newt Gingrich fit this definition. First time I met him (30+ years ago) I was blown away at the depth of his knowledge. But my brother and I greatly differed on just how wise he was. My brother was a total fan and to put it mildly, I wasn't.
Not discounting Dr Gingrich's major accomplis
One of the Greek philosophers basically repeated Solomon saying, “The learning of many things does not teach understanding” - (Heraclitus) I think there was a time that Newt Gingrich fit this definition. First time I met him (30+ years ago) I was blown away at the depth of his knowledge. But my brother and I greatly differed on just how wise he was. My brother was a total fan and to put it mildly, I wasn't.
Not discounting Dr Gingrich's major accomplis
I've been adding up Glen Beck's strange behavior vis a vis all the Republican Candidates of this primary season and as much as I like Beck, I can't make his behavior 2+2=4. I always come out with a dishonest figure. Bluntly it is hard for me to believe that Beck is being purposefully dishonest, but since 2+2 cannot come to anything but 4, I've ceased to believe that he is an honest broker in this election cycle.
Here are some of the num
Here are some of the num
One can only imagine the absolute delight of living in the Muslim Paradise, a society ordered by very strict adherence to Islamic/Sharia law for all of its existence since the time that Mohammed "set it free." The American Law and Order conservatives have listened for decades with envy as the domestic tranquility of Saudi Arabia was related to us. We have all heard very often how there is no crime in Saudi Arabia; how Allah's wisdom reigns creating this utopia upon the earth a mere foretaste of Paradise to Come!
Some of you have heard me preach against the insidious, demonic and anti-christ gospel of Chris-lam - the admixture of Christianity and Islam. This anti-christ religion of Chris-lam is gaining power in American prisons and in many "socially and economically challenged neighborhoods" on the outside. It is also gaining hold in wealthy "Unitarian/Universalist circles" where they are willing to affirm that the god of Islam is the God of the Christians and the Jews.
If you are not totally familiar with the Gospel of Christ, so that you are not fooled, before you listen to this tape of one of the most sophisticated preacher of Chris-lam, pray sincerely and read the entire Gospel of John the Beloved.
Is Our Nation Suffering The Judgement Of God? An analysis of God's judgement - how it works. The lamestream media, secular humanists and liberal Christians scream when some Fundamentalist Christian talks about our nation suffering judgement at the hands of an angry God. But ARE we suffering judgement? Is God Angry?
Stop Calling It The God Particle!I started to write an article the night before the Higgs Boson confirmation was announced. I was familiar with the premise of the particle and knew from the beginning that naming it "The God Particle" was merely another false Ikon of the Scientistic establishment. As very interesting as the Higgs Boson is (if that is really what they have discovered and not some variation upon that theory they do not yet understand - which is my educated guess) its being called the God Particle is simply insulting to a transcendent God.
Tour of a Beautiful Orthodox Christian Temple - Interesting Video Tour.
Mormonism Exposed - Jesus Christ Witnessed. - It is not enough for those who hold the Foundational and Ancient Apostolic Christianity to refute cults and heresies to their own satisfaction. They also have a biblical mandate, which is a mandate of truth and love, to reach to the people in error, not just with "the witness of Jesus Christ" but with the wisdom that can expose to the deluded the difference between the True Jesus Christ of History, and the false "christs" of the many heresies and cults.
The Three Paths of Theology/Spirituality - One must always distinguish between "secular/rational" theology and the reality of "sacred" theology. It is not to say that some of the secular/rational concepts don't have instructive value; they do, but they can never be substituted for experience. The “concepts” are not the experience and reality of the thing. The outline or in artists terms the "cartoon" is not the object itself, even the most sophisticated portrait is not the person. Many come to the Church and rather than truly finding and experiencing Christ’s incarnational presence, settle for a mere description, a mere formula, a mere cartoon of the Church. These are “first and second path people” who cling to “received tradition” as if that is an end of itself, or retreat to emotionalism and/or rationalism, the two sides of the same coin of “soulish” behavior. Until the Third Path is warmly experienced a realistic view of Christianity is not possible, because one substitutes instead some formula, some cartoon, some institutional stricture capable of pointing to, but incapable of capturing the experience of Christ’s incarnation. Those holding only the “cartoon” THINK they know what it represents; yet they only have a hollow concept and no experience of its reality. Ultimately the Church is “life in the Holy Spirit” or scripture and tradition are both liars, as is the witness of myriad saints.
A Personal Testimony On Orthodox Easter - Father Symeon relates his death experience - being pronounced dead at the scene of a 120 (combined impact) head on collision in 1991. What is the nature of testimony? It says, here is where I was, here is what I saw, here is what I experienced. Of the very nature of testimony is ego. How can one relate a personal story without the incessant "I" that make stories boring. Trust me, this story is not boring.
I'm a coward. For most of my life miracles have accompanied my prayers and for all my life, except for a few close confidants, and an occasional person trusted for the purpose of witness of Jesus Christ's actual presence with us, for the purpose of "SOZO" moments, healing/saving moments, I haven't "testified" to miracles. So some friends, some family, some friends I have lead to the Lord, or counseled may know this story, but most of my friends, most of my family and most of those I lead to the Lord, or counseled do not know this story.
The Grief I Carry - In the 1990s one day Vladka (father) turned to me and said, “ Father Symeon, why is it that these news people seem to want to destroy everything that is good about America, while they glorify everything that is evil. They attack everything and every person that deserves praise and glorify every evil. I have written many letters to the news media and they answer politely but nothing changes. I even arranged a conference with Governor Engler and he assured me that he would confront the situation. Yet, nothing has changes. (Vladka and Governor Engler were friends of sorts. Engler had used Archbishop ALEXANDER for his political advantage, securing the Ukrainian vote, which was/is sizable in and around Detroit.) I had known for some time how he had been used politically. But I remained silent. Why? I was a mere prison chaplain in Georgia and Vladka was the friend of the Governor of the Great State of Michigan. I knew he was being used but from my "place" there was nothing to say.
Miracles, Signs, Wonders!- Mat 7:15 – 23: "But beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grape clusters from thorns, or figs from thistles? Thus every good tree produces good fruit, but a rotten tree produces evil fruit. A good tree cannot produce evil fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce good fruit. Every tree not producing good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire. Consequently, by their fruits you shall know them. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name we cast out demons, and in Your name we did many mighty works?' "And then I will confess to them, 'I never knew you! Depart from Me, you who work iniquity!'
Such As I Have Give I Thee - Testimony of a "Wondrous Work" - I shared this story with the owner of a medical clinic who cautioned that Christians needed to be reasonable about that which they pray and ask miracles, in effect counseling not asking God to do things that seem impossible from the extreme-materialist's view - which is the common consciousness of our faithless generation.
The Great Evangelical Disaster. - Jesus saith unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." +++ As an Orthodox Christian, this is my belief - clearly stated. According to several recent surveys, 50 to 57% of Evangelicals no longer believe this. Suddenly the great Christ-Centered Evangelical movement is faltering and failing - the right word is Apostatizing - that is falling away from Truth in Christ Jesus, our God. Some of these same people claim that Roman Catholicism is the center of Apostasy, (while they themselves apostatize) and that the Pope is the Anti-Christ. Sadly they say this while following false teachers like:
Audio Lectures by Father Thomas Hopko - The Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia
Written Observation by Fr Symeon Elias - The Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A.
"Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite." President Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation, Jan. 17, 1961.

Struggle For Life - Lecture Series Volume One - Fifteen
Struggle For Life - Lecture Series Volume One - Fifteen
I want to follow Father Thomas Hopko's advice and "listen to the science." At the same time I will listen and comment "as a skeptic knowing that pure science, that is observation and hypothesis, quickly becomes scientism which is a religion that creates a culture of death." So along the way I will be pointing out where science pretends to the status of the "metaphysical" and becomes "scientism." I will also point out errors and propaganda. We will use the lectures of Robert J. Wyman, Professor of Biology, Yale University. Wyman is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Program Director at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Science Education Program. He teaches Yale’s only course on population issues: Global Problems of Population Growth. People come from all around the world to hear his lectures and he is one of the foremost "experts" on the subject. His primary discipline is "bio-neurology" but 40 years ago became interested in bio-demographics, the evolution of populations and culture's effect upon population growth. He is a member of the Leadership Council, Planned Parenthood of Connecticut (PPC) as well as a former board member: PPC, Connecticut NARAL, Urban League of New Haven, Center for Children’s Environmental Literature, and Horizon Communications. Wyman received an AB from Harvard College and an MS and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley."
Dr Wyman's area of expertise is the sexual/economic/cultural means of the survival of the various species, and the implications of that upon human population. In his presentations, he details the monumental struggle species endure just to survive as species. Of course, as is all Natural Science, his perspective is from an "Evolutionary Perspective". Yet, many things he says in the series refute Darwin and the "Survival of The Fittest" etc. I hate the word 'fascinating' because of its etymology, meaning "hypnosis." However, in the modern jargon, meaning very interesting, what he exposes about the herculean struggle for mere survival of species is indeed "fascinating."
Video Collection Lessons on Paleo-Hebrew
The Struggle For The Bible's Texts Sola Scriptura is the basic error of many Christian Sects which claim the Bible not as the source and guide of their faith, but the Bible Solely as the source and guide to their faith, without the guidance of all the things the Church has orally taught, written, and practiced for two-thousand years. Some have called this "spiritual and scriptural anarchy."
Without the guidance of what the Ancient Church clearly taught and continues to teach, one is left trying to base one's faith solely upon self-devised interpretations of the Bible or upon the teaching of one or another particular modern teacher. This has created 32,000 "denominations" in the world that may be divided into several "families of error" each holding a foundational belief in opposition to others making them unique. Collectively the "families of error" who the Ancient Church of the Apostles, calls,heterodox - meaning "other than Orthodox" hold teachings contrary to the teachings and practices of the Apostles themselves. Inside each of these "denominations" is built up late "traditions" a new list of trusted teachers instead of the Great and Historic Lights and Theologians of the Church. Most of these teachers teach some things that conform to the ancient Christian Faith and some things which differ from the Apostolic Tradition.
The Mark Of The Beast - Volume One If you want to know the real Mark Of The Beast pay close attention.
What was it that Darwin gave us but the Mark of the Beast? It was Darwin and the Evolutionist that told us that we were beast only, tied to the predestination of our D.N.A. To show just how corrupt the Christian establishment has become, it takes a Jihadist propagandist to tell the truth of Darwinism, and Charles Darwin's apostasy to paganism. Please watch and I will caution you when the Muslim propagandist is practicing his craft.
Video Series
Darwin's Difficulties - The Total Hoax
Are you familiar with the "life boat experiment"? It was a method behavioural educationist who high-jacked our education system used to teach the culture of death, the Marxist principle that as many people as needs be, may be sacrificed for the greater good, i.e., for the utopian political model of society.
Good, educated young people are quick to express a heartlessness only the ignorant and bigoted expressed in earlier generations. They find it extremely easy to demonise their enemy and write off undesirable populations, reach quickly to the easy answer, "get rid of the scum, so the rest of us can get on with life." This mindset ISN'T accidental. It has been programmed into two generations of people in our public schools. I know, I know this sounds like a radical statement but please read further before you decide to demonise me and write me off.
If one seeks to make changes in our society that are humane and meaningful, one has to grasp the devolution of education and its substitution with mere conditioning. To make meaningful changes, one has to teach, and to teach one has to have a notion of the mindset of the average student. I want to share some knowledge on the subject with you.
As far back as the middle 1970s I was cautioning that American was being naive vis a vis Muslims. I was concerned about the Saudi finance of Wahhabism and our capitulation to all things Islamic. (Wahhabism In America) Because I studied theology, what caused me caution was the liberal theologians campaign to create "religious syncretism" when such syncretism was absurd. I had a sense of Christian history and knew that Islam was barbaric and vehemently anti-Christian. In the last few years I've been amazed at what I did not know, a colourful struggle encompassing America's entire history; a history not taught in public schools, not taught in colleges and universities. I could not reasonably suspect at the time that even in the 1950s and 1960s someone or some thing was moulding an alternative history, according to political goals. (The Devolution of Education In America) We have all been victimized by this subversive process. All I knew of Muslim/American history was the saga of the Barbary Pirates, a mere footnote of history, a colourful tale of swashbuckling heroes.
TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA: At Least That Is What Glen Beck Says...
Global Warming Mythology
Global Warming Mythology
TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA: At Least That Is What Glen Beck Thinks.
Truth most certainly does have an agenda and that agenda is the survival and well being of humankind. This is as certain as the fact that Lie has an agenda, the harming and ultimate destruction of humankind. One is life engendering, the other life destroying.
Let us take the issue of Global Warming as an example of our battle between truth and lie.
First, there is nothing right wing or left wing about objective evidence. If it is indeed objective evidence then it is proof and not fantasy. If you read my article on Education (How We Think Determines What We Think: The Devolution of Education in America) you will understand the next paragraph. The need to "believe" in Global Warming reflects not just a simple flaw in character or blind spot th
Carlos, this may not help, but stay with me for a moment so we can be on the same page. Honest to God Brother, I read of your situation and wept. I've been in an odd situation lately, shedding more tears in my old years than any time in my life. I wept hearing your struggles yet I realized how truly they are not unique. Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill and you've taken a double whammy. BUT have you taken a harder hit than millions of others? Bubba, we had to shut down our Restaurant/Bakery in Hartwell, Georgia and we were the 16th restaurant closing in that little tourist town. The place was sort of my dream. My wife and sisters love baking and it was a neat little place where I got to play the piano every Friday and Saturday evening. Gone . . . Gone!
I was in the land acquisition business for developers for a few years before the crash. Some of those guys knew I was a man of faith. So, after the crash of 2008 you can't imagine how many millionaires I spent time with on the phone, or in person, praying with them to keep them from suicide. Carlos I've heard so many tragic stories, that if pure GRIEF made money I'd be a gazillionaire.
But here is the reality - IT IS A WAR. Do you think that the attack of the Obama administration on the Car Dealerships wasn't an act of war?
Do you think that the attack on the Developers and Builders wasn't an act of war?
Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Roots of Obama's Rage" accurately analysed President Obama's driving psychology. ( )
A summation of that was succinctly stated by a friend this way.
"This is all so easy to see and no one can figure it out???? People ARE NOT paying attention... He (Obama) explains in his book why he's doing this:
"He is taking from the COLONIZERS (USA) and giving the riches BACK to the countries his DAD said the COLONIZERS stole from them. Brazil, 3B in oil production, Colombia 3B in Oil production, now this. The pattern he's been doing is in PLAIN sight. NO NEWS MEDIA including FOX will go there. NONE go after the motives he details in his books. This returning the riches is in the book Dreams of My Father. (Obama)
I'm In Complete Agreement With the Occupy Wall Street Movement - Well, at least as explained in the Springfield Chapter's Statement of Concerns
Arguing With Marxist Idiots:
I read carefully the concerns stated by the Organizers of the OWS Movement folks in Springfield, Missouri and discovered that I was in almost complete agreement with the statement. A friend said, "Do you realize that every concern they have is answered by Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan. Someone ought to engage them and see if they can speak reasonably." I decided to try.
The Tyranny of Time
I've been thinking a lot about time lately, partly because I've been rereading my physics studies and some of the latest literature trying to wrap my mind around the forward and backward motion of space-time, the mystic's dance of the eternal moment. Here I was with a fawn at my side in just such a moment where the noise of the road had disappeared and time seemed not relevant, to glance right or left would tell centuries, not direction, a moment where ALL was present and everything at peace. I think the thought of time had been on my mind because of the reminder of old things unpacked and put to use after a decade of storage. I went to re-read one of my favourite books, a Baha'ist had given me and I realized the book was almost thirty years old. I remember the smiling face of the sweet young girl who handed it to me, an unexpected gift from the young couple. Thinking about it even now, it seems like yesterday. That lovely young woman must be in her late fifties today. Anyway, the march of linear time seems ruthless, tick tock - tick tock.
When an X Muslim Christian Gives Testimony, The Demons Howl.
EVERYONE, please take a good look at this exchange and learn something. A poor woman, a former Egyptian Mohammedan, indoctrinated and abuse in Islam, broke free from her slavery and is now is a faithful Christian named, None Darwish. She was interviewed on a net radio program by a supporter of Herman Cain, Carl Boyd, Jr. where her real life suffering was related. Yet, she was attacked by Muslims even on Herman Cain's Face Book Page. Why? The infiltration of Muslims and Marxists is a subversion far more invasive than anyone imagines. Here is an example of how an ex-Mohammedan - Christian convert is treated on the page of an American Presidential Candidate who has said that he has problems with Muslims being employed in his administration.
We are so CONDITIONED to MODERATION that when the truth is staring us in the face we are conditioned to be consolatory rather than face the facts and be truthful. Any rational study of Islam shows it to be a religion of complete intolerance. Please show me the documents and practices of Islam that are tolerant and I will quickly correct my misapprehension. To Wit:
In the 1980s when Cold War tensions were very high and people feared nuclear conflagration, the New Agers among us coined the phrase, "Visualize Peace." It was painted as graffiti, on bumper stickers and billboards, plastered on utilities polls and even greeting cards. Of course as everyone was "visualizing" millions also were constantly praying for our country, for our leaders, both in Russia and the U.S. "For this church, for this city and all who live here, for our country and all who serve in its government, especially the servants of God, for our President, and for our Governor, that God may grant them wisdom so that we may live in peace and tranquillity, let us pray to the Lord. +++ Lord Have Mercy."
Everyone is familiar with the Muslim saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The degree to which the Muslim Brotherhood and their various front groups are using this wisdom in America to divide and conquer us is amazing and even admirable in terms of skillful tactical insurgency coupled with lots of Muslim oil money and investment profits. The Muslims know that the only people who cause them any real barrier to the conquest of America are Americans who "see them." That population of "seeing-Americans" is rather small. Most are America's true Evangelical Christians (not the Neo-Evangelical variety - but holding beliefs much closer to foundational and traditional orthodox christian beliefs), some are Roman Catholics (not the Liberation Theology variety who have become imbued with Marxist ideology, but the Romans who have held much closer to foundational and orthodox christian beliefs) and the few Coptic Orthodox Christians who live here, who from experience know the tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And expose on the "religious aspects of the Evolutionists.
“The learning of many things does not teach understanding” - Heraclitus
In a pre-Christian Greek myth, Hermes Tresmagistus prayed and prayed seeking to learn what only God could teach. Hermes was disturbed by the devolution of society and its effect upon his children and grandchildren. He described how they were caught up in the unreality of physical existence. How they spent all their time unmindful of God, ever seeking pleasure and sinking into deeper layers of debauchery, their minds clouded by their actions. He disappeared into the wilderness and prayed for days wanting to understand how to impart to his own family the respect he held for God, and the thankfulness he held in his heart for the opportunity of life. He realized these qualities were all but absent in his children. This made them prey for others to conquer, enslave and use as they will. Hermes reported that after many days of prayer the Shepherd of Mankind appeared before him and said, "The Father has heard your insistent prayer and has sent me to answer your requests. What do you want to know?" Hermes said, "I want to know God and things as they are."
It Does Not Take Courage To Believe What You Are Told
What We Don't Know Will Kill Us - The Special Interests That Hate Our Freedom
Jesus said, "I AM the way, the truth and the life."
Jesus is called our Brother, our Savior, our Friend, our constant Companion, our Shelter and on and on. We are even told that "the government shall upon his shoulder" - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
We are also told that the last enemy He will put down is "death."
In quite literal terms we are given a choice between:
"He who is the way" vs a maze of confusion where no way may be found.
"He who is Truth" vs the lie and the Liar.
"He who is Life," vs the world of death, a world that is foundational to us whether we have eyes to grasp its reality or not. Man on his own, or in the clutches of the
Saint Paul said, "I would rather say five words in understanding than ten thousand words in tongues."
Even in Greek it reads awkwardly. It would have rhyme and flow if it said, "I would rather say ten words - than ten thousand." etc. But the people knew which five words he meant. Transliterating from the Greek those five words would be Kurie Yesu Christos, Eleason Mae. (Lord Jesus Christ, Have Mercy on me.) Later it was expanded to say, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner."
Even in Greek it reads awkwardly. It would have rhyme and flow if it said, "I would rather say ten words - than ten thousand." etc. But the people knew which five words he meant. Transliterating from the Greek those five words would be Kurie Yesu Christos, Eleason Mae. (Lord Jesus Christ, Have Mercy on me.) Later it was expanded to say, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on me, a sinner."
Obama Conspiracy To Destroy The Second Amendment.
The arrogance of The Marxist/Muslim Axis is a wonderful and helpful flaw. That arrogance continually underestimates its enemies; thinking itself far superior to them, it gets sloppy.
Some months ago I wrote:
Some months ago I wrote:
"Why was the Obama administration purposely funneling assault weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels?
"My conclusion: I believe that the whole Fast and Furious scam was a Public Relations (read propaganda) Ploy by the Marxist Administration in the White House to gin up support for a massive assault on the Second Amendment, which is the right to keep and bear arms. It was based upon a well known Marxist propaganda method called 'the big lie.' Stalin use this method while destroying Christianity in Russia, making speeches about 'Freedom of Religion' in the Soviet Union, while his henchmen rounded up all the clergy who were naive enough to believe him and actually began worship services. The method is, 'Tell the lie, often enough and in the minds of the
Today's walk I passed the thirteen hundred mile mark. Thirteen hundred miles in ten and a half months. Truthfully I've been walking not out of fear but the certain knowledge that the next few years, if God grants the mercy to live them, will be the most challenging years of my life. I've never thought in apocalyptic terms really, but the confluence of events worldwide, the destruction of freedom and the handiwork of utopian idolaters in the U.S. and Europe make the coming collapse of Western Civilization a real possibility. Only a few realize that we are repeating history, that it is 1936 again and we are facing an enemy with ideology more malignant than Nazism. I can see the collapse as entering into a new feudal age, a dark ages, a natural progression of present trends, where the technological tools of the over-lords will put the likes of Vladimir the Impaler to shame.
What are these trends?
On the one hand there are those who find it [the Manhattan Declaration] “shocking” and part of the culture war, etc. These are frightened that the document will be perceived as harsh and unloving, etc.. God forbid that anyone Christian ever stand in public for Truth. And on the other hand those that are relieved to see an Orthodox Pastor with backbone to stand with others and speak truth to error, truth to power, and truth to the politically correct stricture in our society that is choking free speech and seeking to criminalize Truth. – If this much sets you off, don’t bother to read further.
My Bishop, fifth generation Orthodox priest, survived the Holodomor, the systematic starvation of between 10 and 20 million people mostly Christians in Ukraine by the communist in 1932 and 33. His father was forbidden to celebrate divine liturgy – all Christian worship was forbidden. He celebrated liturgy anyway and at the end of the service the local commissar showed up and told the congregation to return at 3pm that he had a wonderful surprise for them. He asked the priest to remain behind to help him prepare it. At 3pm the people returned and the priest was hanging upside down on the church doors. They held the crowd at gunpoint and slit the priest’s throat. My bishop at age 14 watched his father bled like a pig on the church doors.
Gay Marriage In The U.S.A.
All foreign nationals please note that I am speaking to American Law and a situation that is unique in the world to the U.S. I am addressing American citizens, though all are welcome to read. To understand why and how this is unique to us as American Citizens you must read my article “The Dual Responsibility of American Citizenship and Church Membership.”
Many religious people who view the prospect of Gay marriage to be harmless to Sacramental Marriage and harmless to religious marriage in general make a simplistic and false assumption. The assumption is that these two things in the United States are separate. Certainly the Orthodox Christian knows that the added Sacramental Celebration of Marriage has much meaning and is in the Orthodox Church as in the Roman Catholic Church a Sacrament of the Church. However, in the United States Sacramental Marriage is only different in the eyes of the religious and religious institutions; it is not recognized as different or special in the eyes of the law.
President Barack Obama
The Whitehouse
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr President,
On Jan. 6th, 2010 in Nag Hammady, Qena Province, in southern Egypt, 8 Coptic Christians and the church security guard were gunned down in cold blood while exiting Virgin Mary church following Christmas Eve mass by men who drove past the church and its surrounding areas targeting Christians with machine guns. Approximately 12 more people were seriously injured in this brutal attack. This was not a solitary event - in the last 9 months alone, other sectarian attacks in Dmas Meet Ghamr, Dayrout, Al-Taye
The Whitehouse
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr President,
On Jan. 6th, 2010 in Nag Hammady, Qena Province, in southern Egypt, 8 Coptic Christians and the church security guard were gunned down in cold blood while exiting Virgin Mary church following Christmas Eve mass by men who drove past the church and its surrounding areas targeting Christians with machine guns. Approximately 12 more people were seriously injured in this brutal attack. This was not a solitary event - in the last 9 months alone, other sectarian attacks in Dmas Meet Ghamr, Dayrout, Al-Taye
An Orthodox Priest from New Zealand, who holds the fantasy that his county’s government is a sort of utopia of kindness to the poor, has been condemning Orthodox Christians who happen to be U.S. Citizens because they have been speaking against a new big federal program for health care. He has labeled their resistance to such a program “non-christian.”
He said, "If people as Christians do not find it in their hearts to support State-sponsored welfare and health programmes, still, as Christians they are compelled by the teaching of the Saviour to pay taxes to the State, since He commanded us to pay our taxes to Caesar. In demanding this of those who would follow Him (Matthew 21), Jesus was actually making an unpopular political statement since, as today in America, there was huge resistance in Judea to paying taxes."
I Answered him saying:
Firstly: The implication that "Americans" are resistant to pay taxes is blatantly false. At the present time the average American Citizen works a great portion of the calendar year for the sole purpose of paying all the taxes that are levied upon him. This year tax freedom day, the day a citizen got to earn his first dollar to support hearth and home was May 3rd. Besides the payroll taxes we pay, federal, state and local income tax, city and county property tax, inheritance tax, taxes for social programs, social security, medicade and medicare, city & state sales taxes, capitol gains taxes – which are all apparent taxes, we pay a host of hidden taxes. Governments discovered that the most viable tax, are the taxes U.S. citizens pay and do not realize they pay.
He said, "If people as Christians do not find it in their hearts to support State-sponsored welfare and health programmes, still, as Christians they are compelled by the teaching of the Saviour to pay taxes to the State, since He commanded us to pay our taxes to Caesar. In demanding this of those who would follow Him (Matthew 21), Jesus was actually making an unpopular political statement since, as today in America, there was huge resistance in Judea to paying taxes."
I Answered him saying:
Firstly: The implication that "Americans" are resistant to pay taxes is blatantly false. At the present time the average American Citizen works a great portion of the calendar year for the sole purpose of paying all the taxes that are levied upon him. This year tax freedom day, the day a citizen got to earn his first dollar to support hearth and home was May 3rd. Besides the payroll taxes we pay, federal, state and local income tax, city and county property tax, inheritance tax, taxes for social programs, social security, medicade and medicare, city & state sales taxes, capitol gains taxes – which are all apparent taxes, we pay a host of hidden taxes. Governments discovered that the most viable tax, are the taxes U.S. citizens pay and do not realize they pay.
(Written ten years ago, its message is more prescient today - but hold your hat, it is a politically INcorrect ride - but TRUE)
by Archpriest Symeon, February 6th 2002
by Archpriest Symeon, February 6th 2002
What is all this sudden interest in what the Koran says? Is that the fruit, the reward for the 3000 lives lost? A sudden interest in all things Islamic? Whether the Koran says this or not, who cares?
As to what Mohammedans believe - who they are spiritually - etc. Is it really any mystery?
The Marxist/Muslim Axis - Those Who Would and ARE Destroying Us.
We are at war. It is not a "clash of civilizations" or a "struggle inside civil society"; it is a war. If the Cold War was a war, and it was, then the struggle against the Utopia Seekers (read idolaters) who seek to foist upon us a "socialist/Sharia" state is no less a war. It comes already with much bloodshed, years of treasure, tens of thousands of dead and wounded, and this just states American's loses so far. I've been writing and teaching about the Marxist/Muslim Axis for a decade now, and prior to that another decade where I thought the two threats were separate.
The way to God lies through love of people. At the Last Judgment I shall not be asked whether I was successful in my ascetic exercises, nor how many bows and prostrations I made. Instead I shall be asked, Did I feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the prisoners. That is all I shall be asked. About every poor, hungry and imprisoned person the Savior says ‘I’: ‘I was hungry and thirsty, I was sick and in prison.’ To think that he puts an equal sign between himself and anyone in need. . . . I always knew it, but now it has somehow penetrated to my sinews. It fills me with awe.
A few articles - A few strategically placed phone calls and . . . .
Please Note because this is huge. The following companies refused to be a part of the TLC propaganda piece about discrimination against Muslims in America. For the record, I will not enter a Home Depot again until they "clarify" their statements.
Please Note because this is huge. The following companies refused to be a part of the TLC propaganda piece about discrimination against Muslims in America. For the record, I will not enter a Home Depot again until they "clarify" their statements.
Video Series
There is Christian and pagan apocalyptic literature. In the last two decades the amount of pagan apocalyptic literature has increased exponentially. When the old evolutionary, systematic, slowly progressive earth science (geology) gave way to the new Chaos/Cataclysm model, and scientists had to remove their heads from their . . . sand and admit the enormous extant evidence of the massive assaults the earth has absorbed in her existence, suddenly appeared fear-mongering pagan-apocalyptic literature, t.v., movies, and science - Armageddon by a million other names. It has conditioned the young generation.
I have huge respect for Debbie Schlussel. She is a valiant voice of Truth against Jihadist and the Muslim historical falsifications and geo-political ambitions and aggression. In an article written on Christmas Day, 2011, entitled: "Tolerance": After HAMAS Canceled Christmas; Murder of Christianity in the Muslim World, Debbie publicized a very sad scene.
A Christian friend said to me, “I don't know when to help, when helping is really helping and not hurting. Some need to experience being really down and out to have hope of a better way.” She's right. She was speaking of the difference between intelligent help vs helping for ones own emotional needs - I think. I won't lay my interpretation on it, but this is what I had in mind thinking about how one knows and does the will of the Lord. How one knows that their actions will have good result.
Music Videos
Video Collection of Different Apostolic Liturgies - Proper Worship
The Gentle Tasaday People - Another Scientistic Fraud
The Anthropological Fraud that captured their literature for a decade and a half.
The Gentle Tasaday Are Merely a Persistent Hoax
Published: January 9, 1988, The New York Times
The 1970 ''discovery'' of the Tasaday as a ''Stone Age'' tribe was widely heralded in newspapers, shown on national television in a National Geographic Society program and an NBC special documentary, and further publicized in ''The Gentle Tasaday: A Stone Age People in the American journalist, John Nance.
In all, Manuel Elizalde Jr., the son of a rich Filipino family, was depicted as the savior of the Tasaday through his creation of Panamin (from presidential assistant for national minorities), a cabinet-level office to protect the Tasaday and other ''minorities'' from corrosive modern influences and from environmentally destructive logging companies.
It appears that Manuel Elizalde hoodwinked almost everybody by paying neighboring T'boli people to take off their clothes and pose as a ''Stone Age'' tribe living in a cave. Mr. Elizalde then used the avalanche of international interest and concern for his Tasaday creation to create the Panimin organization for control over ''tribal minority'' lands and resources and ultimately deals with logging and mining companies.
The Gentle Tasaday Are Merely a Persistent Hoax
Published: January 9, 1988, The New York Times
The 1970 ''discovery'' of the Tasaday as a ''Stone Age'' tribe was widely heralded in newspapers, shown on national television in a National Geographic Society program and an NBC special documentary, and further publicized in ''The Gentle Tasaday: A Stone Age People in the American journalist, John Nance.
In all, Manuel Elizalde Jr., the son of a rich Filipino family, was depicted as the savior of the Tasaday through his creation of Panamin (from presidential assistant for national minorities), a cabinet-level office to protect the Tasaday and other ''minorities'' from corrosive modern influences and from environmentally destructive logging companies.
It appears that Manuel Elizalde hoodwinked almost everybody by paying neighboring T'boli people to take off their clothes and pose as a ''Stone Age'' tribe living in a cave. Mr. Elizalde then used the avalanche of international interest and concern for his Tasaday creation to create the Panimin organization for control over ''tribal minority'' lands and resources and ultimately deals with logging and mining companies.
What is the meaning of real religion?
Lao Tae Tsu wrote of the devolutionary path of human spirituality and talked of the man of true virtue being replaced by the man who wished merely to be perceived as virtuous. Then he talked of the man of true benevolence being replaced by the man who wished to merely be perceived as benevolent. Then the talked about the man of true rectitude being replaced by the man who wished to merely be perceived as righteous. It was only at that point that he talked about the man of the rites, but he said that the rites were wearing thin of loyalty and that it was the beginning of chaos. No truer picture exists of the devolution of the spiritual man - the man imbued with "thanksgiving" . . . . thanksgiving = Eucharist - thanksgiving being a picture of a human being living in the presence of God, than Lao Tae Tsu pictured. You see, the man of highest virtue lived "unconsciously virtuous."
Lao Tae Tsu wrote of the devolutionary path of human spirituality and talked of the man of true virtue being replaced by the man who wished merely to be perceived as virtuous. Then he talked of the man of true benevolence being replaced by the man who wished to merely be perceived as benevolent. Then the talked about the man of true rectitude being replaced by the man who wished to merely be perceived as righteous. It was only at that point that he talked about the man of the rites, but he said that the rites were wearing thin of loyalty and that it was the beginning of chaos. No truer picture exists of the devolution of the spiritual man - the man imbued with "thanksgiving" . . . . thanksgiving = Eucharist - thanksgiving being a picture of a human being living in the presence of God, than Lao Tae Tsu pictured. You see, the man of highest virtue lived "unconsciously virtuous."
What God do we serve? Some invented god of the ancient pagans, Molech or Baal? Some later invented deity of theosophy or gnosticism, some cruel god of the Mohammedans? Some god with a single witness who wrote a magic book to reveal him? The list of such men and books is quite long. No, we serve the Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all things seen and unseen, who took it upon Himself to "condescend" to lower himself to our understanding and reveal himself in histor
Thought: A great portion of the assault on freedom in America (and Europe) is the false notion that central planning is the key to any problem. It causes layers upon layers of bureaucratic experts who then stand between resources and need. The Catholic Church - the second largest institutional system in the U.S. (second only to the Federal government) isn't devoid the problems of bureaucracy - but has handled its work in specific areas with so much more efficiency than the progressivists of the federal and state systems as to shame them. The "catholic institutions" that are under direct attack by the Fed . . Catholic Adoption services, hospitals, clinics etc are a model of "humanitarian" action. So here is the thought:
for the Holy Spirit to work through us we have to be "perfectly natural" not religious, not "spiritual" just perfectly natural. We clearly do not have to "whip up our emotions" to be informed and guided by the Spirit. The fact is such an emotional state is a hindrance and not a help.
The emotional state of mankind, where ones ego is tied to every opinion they offer is an "unnatural state." In fact the conditions caused by pride and sin, the damage done to us by both, the deformities in personality and personhood etc, is an UNnatural state. Jesus was the first totally natural man, restoring the natural connection between man and God. The more we become like him, the more we become the unique individual we are supposed to become and the more correctly we become attached to our emotions and the more our emotions begin to reflect the truth.
Heavenly Father, your written revelation records many times in history where you softened the hearts of the enemies of your people, or threw them into mental confusion and insanity when they would not give up their plots for the destruction or enslavement of Your people. Lord, America is not your nation, and Americans are not your people. This nation has turned its back o
Fifteen years ago as our culture was sinking into the abyss, Gallup did a survey that claimed that eighty-three percent of Americans claimed to be Christian. I said, "Something has become very wrong with a Christianity that overpowers a culture in numbers of better than 4 to 1, yet produces the culture we see around us. I opined that if one added the population of Jews who make up the proponents of our Judeo/Christian culture the number claiming Judeo/Christian heritage would number nearly nine out of ten! Yet, any quick look at the pagan based culture would show that it really didn't reflect Judeo/Christian values. Something else was in control of the collective "mindset" of the culture, where death was increasing and vice becoming the norm.
hinking about Dr. Michael Youssef's short talk about the quest for and defense of Truth, I awoke an hour ago and watched a portion of a program supposedly about early Christianity on "Planet Green." Of course what would Planet Green's agenda be but an attack seeking to discredit the healing reality held in the Apostolic Tradition carefully guarded by Orthodox Christianity from the time of the Apostles. This particular show, as a hundred others I've watched over the last 30 years, glorified the Gnostics and made villains of the Church, using every propaganda ploy in the playbook. No wonder the so-called "Emerging Church" with its gnostic roots is the present fad
We bind unto ourselves today the strong Name of the Trinity, by the invocation of the same, In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the Three in One, the One in Three.
We bind unto ourselves this day for
We bind unto ourselves this day for
Many foolishly confuse the fear of God - which is sacred reverence and respect, even frightful awe, and common fear which is tormenting and antithetical to Faith. They seem to believe that Christians should live in fear of things to come. Whether they actually preach this or not, it becomes the natural implication and practice of those constantly rehearsing the "terrible times to come." Such fear mongering is by the spirit of The Evil One. Scripture clearly states that "fear hath torment." "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us." 1Jn 4:18 ff. Tormenting dread is the opposite of Faith and Love.
Let us not be caught in the fear of servile religion; keeping Tradition out of ignorance and offering our correctness as a sign of righteous enlightenment.
The propaganda assault to paint Catholic Clergy as degenerate and evil.
Videos of the Holodomor Prayer:
Prayers and Videos of beautiful music.
God is both refuge and strength for us, a help always ready in trouble;
so we shall not be afraid though the earth be in turmoil,
through mountains tumble into the depths of the sea, and its waters roar and seethe,
and the mountains totter as if heaves.
so we shall not be afraid though the earth be in turmoil,
through mountains tumble into the depths of the sea, and its waters roar and seethe,
and the mountains totter as if heaves.
The corruption by the Latins, in the newly invented
dogma of the "Immaculate Conception, " of the true
veneration of the Most Holy Mother of God
and Ever- Virgin Mary.
dogma of the "Immaculate Conception, " of the true
veneration of the Most Holy Mother of God
and Ever- Virgin Mary.
Lord, so very special is the heartbreak of this night. This night more than the public spectacle of your arrest, your trial, your physical tortures, your physical humiliation - - no, this night is the hardest and most blessed for me. The day remaining represents courage and heroism, but this dark night of the soul, represents the state of human pathos. We all die, inside our own skin, isolated even if surrounded by those who love us. We die alone. Yet, the decisions made by a human (not made by a God) but a human, who could have saved his own skin, yet he remained in the Garden, knowing the Temple Guard was headed his way and torture and death was the ONLY possible outcome.
Most of my friends and relatives are Protestants. Some object to being called that and prefer to be called, Evangelical, or Baptist, or Charismatic, or just "Bible Believing." Most have no clue why I would become Orthodox. Many of these same people claim to want to get "down to foundational things." Some say that all that matters is "belief in Jesus." The trouble starts when I ask them to explain who Jesus is, and why they believe that mere "belief in Jesus" will save them. Some have become angry with me when I quote the following, "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" - Jas 2:18ff
For those of you who believe that the Apostolic Tradition of the Orthodox Catholic Church is hopelessly locked into a stodgy clericalism, ruled by little potentates devoid of the Holy Spirit, read the words of Saint Symeon The New Theologian. The True Church hangs together upon another power and process completely.
Saint Symeon is one of only three men the Orthodox Church as allowed the name "theologian." (John the Theologian, Gregory the Theologian and Symeon the New Theologian) The Chu
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