Sunday, February 9, 2020

Did You Watch The Academy Awards?


Here are two reactions that are none manipulative.

Above, Mr. Wollery is remarking about having never heard of the film that won the "best picture." And Dana Loesch expresses her interest in the outcome. Both express interest or non-interest in the process and/or result.

Here is a Hegelian Dialectical reaction.

Now, honestly, if you thought it was suicide it would require only a lack of interest, but if it is Hegelian Dialectical, it requires a reaction.  So, at this moment, only a few hours after the Academy Awards ended,  the movie that won Best Picture is not trending on Twitter, no one really cares. Or if they do, they know which movie. But Brad Pitt and his snark are trending. That's how it works.  The Echo Chamber IS the social manipulation.

The Artificial Intelligence Algorithm monitoring my Tweets and nudging me toward "Politically Correct Reality" i.e., Cultural Marxist Deconstructionism, is so POWERFUL that having written negatively about Trans Mythology, when I posted this very article, the very next Tweet appearing is below.  They have me "reacting," they think, so time to teach. This is powerfull mind manipulation.

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